Monday, May 16, 2011

New Addition

We've got a new addition to our family - a cat.

He showed up in our window sill a little over a week ago.

"Can we keep him?"

It really has been interesting to see his transformation. We loaded him up with food the first couple of days. Despite the illusions from his fluffy coat, he was pretty scrawny and had a few war wounds. The first couple of nights - he'd sleep upright on the patio couch - his ears constantly twitching every which way, listening to all the noises of the night. Before long, he was sleeping all spread out - not a care in the world. He pretty much stays on the patio all night long and during the day unless he's following one of us around. He sleeps A LOT. I was concerned when he first got here that he didn't know how to groom himself. That changed after he got a few days of food in him. I guess he just didn't have the energy to care. Looks like he's here to stay.

I introduce to you...Ricky Bobby.


  1. They always know how to work their way into your heart and home. I knew he would stay. NR
