Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Bottle Tree

Here's my bottle tree that I bought a couple of weekends ago at an art festival. If you're not familiar with bottle trees...their folklore heritage believed that evil spirits would get trapped inside the bottles...yada yada...BUT I just wanted one because I thought it'd look cute in my yard!

Here's a great link if you'd like to learn more:

Most people use empty wine bottles on their tree but I wanted something a little more original. So I found these to get me started...

I love the colors but wish they were a little more substantial in size. I tried grouping them all together to see how it would be with a whole tree of these smaller bottles. But decided it was "too much".

So I think I'm going to use them as "accent" bottles with the majority being clear larger bottles. Now I've got to start my "clear" bottle collection.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Decade

I'm now the proud parent of a ten year old. - Ouch.

Pottery Wrap Up

Here are my final pieces of pottery. When I made this bowl and platter - I didn't intend on them being a set. But I think they work rather well together for dip and chips. The platter didn't fire exactly as I'd hoped. If the paint gets too think, some of it will cook off - that's what I was hoping that it would do - but I'm still pleased.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Today we went to the Crosstie Arts & Jazz Festival in Cleveland (MS). We had a good time. Lots to see and eat. Local children's art display...

Two stages of live music...

I didn't take many pictures of the "art" but there was plenty.

Big maraca made out of a water cooler jug...

Hula hoops...

Of course, the girls didn't find anything "artistic" to buy. They bought WEAPONS - bows 'n arrows and sling shots.

I bought a bottle tree and the hubby carried it for me. :-)

Friday, April 8, 2011


I've been a slacker about posting pics lately.

I've been preoccupied with yard work, gymnastics and.........
